‘No closure plans’ for local Co-op stores

co-operative food sign cobden bridge storeA spokesperson for Co-operative Food has told bitternepark.info that there’s “no truth in suggestions that its Cobden Bridge and Midanbury stores are to close”, following rumours posted online.


“There is no truth in any suggestion that we plan to close our food stores in Midanbury and Cobden Bridge. Like all major retailers, our portfolio of stores is regularly reviewed. However, we remain committed to serving communities in Southampton and its surrounding areas,” he said.

Recent posts on the Streetlife website, in relation to Tesco's bid to extend opening hours at its Cobden Avenue Express store, suggested Co-operative Food could have plans to close its Bitterne Park stores.

Last year Co-operative Food also confirmed it was “business as usual” at Witts Hill and Manor Farm Road after it pulled out of Portswood in June 2013

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