Health workers stage biggest strike for 30 years

unison jacketNHS workers from six unions stage a four-hour stoppage across England between 7am and 11am on Monday, October 13, with more action to come, over what they say is the government’s refusal to implement  recommendations for a one per cent pay rise.


Monday’s stoppage will be followed by four days of action “short of strike action” between Tuesday 14 and Friday 17, which includes taking breaks instead of working through them.

Tony Jones, UNISON South East Head of Health, said: “NHS members don’t take action often or lightly. For many of our members this will be the first time they walk out as the last action over pay was 32 years ago.

“Staff are on average 10% worse off than when the coalition came to power and this means their families are suffering and morale is hitting rock bottom. A well-motivated workforce saves lives so we need to cherish and support our NHS staff who work day in, day out caring for others.”


The union says secretary of state for health Jeremy Hunt is “persisting in the pretence that he is giving staff a pay rise when in truth he has imposed a continued pay freeze for most NHS staff in England, with just a small flat rate sum for around 40% of staff.”


Speaking to the BBC, a spokesperson for the Department of Health said it was "disappointed that trade unions are taking industrial action".

"NHS staff are our greatest asset, and we've increased the NHS budget to pay for over 12,500 more clinical staff since 2010.

"We cannot afford a pay rise in addition to increments - which disproportionately reward the highest earners - without risking frontline jobs."

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