>1.5K sign to save Cobbett Road Library

library deputation nov 19 2014 Rose HickmanOver 1,500 people have so far signed a petition calling on Southampton City Council to keep Cobbett Road Library open and to safeguard it against future cuts.
Left: Library user Rose Hickman, age 9, before addressing a packed Southampton City Council chamber meeting in November


As previously reported, Cobbett Road is one of five city libraries earmarked by the council for closure or 'community-led initiatives'. 

But support group Friends of Cobbett Road Library (FOCRL) have argued that the choice doesn't have to be between 'volunteer run' or 'closure', and that running a library on a voluntary basis would be a “quantum leap” from where they are now.

FOCRL has pointed out that the library also serves as a crucial community hub, with an array of local organisations using it for meetings and activities. The group has also argued that Cobbett Road is excellent value for money, and has called for more imaginative thinking.

The petition asks cabinet member for resources and leisure Cllr Barnes-Andrews to “work with the local community to help keep the library innovative and offering more but not by Community Asset Transfer.”

FOCRL meets to discuss the campaign over the weekend.

Take part in the council's online library consultation here
Sign FOCRL's petition here


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