Ideas to keep libraries open 'need proper council research'

cobbett working groupWe had lots of talks, came up with ideas, got out flip chart paper and pens at a packed public meeting where it seemed everyone wanted the library kept open, and we understand over 3,000 5,000 responded to the consultation. So what happens to our ideas now?
Protest to save city libraries - Wednesday March 18


Now the library consultation period has ended and before decisions are taken, we understand there will be an “evaluation”, “and all viable options” will be presented to cabinet – although it currently seems unclear precisely how “viability” will be assessed and tested, and by whom.

Friends of Cobbett Road Library (FOCRL) have put in a number of suggestions that could help the library stay open, which were also discussed at a packed community meeting held on February 23, which was attended by a plethora of local politicians from across the spectrum.

library consultation adult

But there are concerns about how the process will now play out – with waters further muddied given the approach of local and general elections.

Commitment from all parties

FOCRL says they want a commitment from all parties ahead of the election that the city council will “properly research” the alternative ideas for Cobbett, and other libraries, that have been fed into the libraries consultation.

“We want them to look at ways forward other than closure or community asset transfer,” said Rachel Hickman, secretary of FOCRL .

A better outcome for libraries

It's also been suggested that the council should work with those who have submitted ideas before making any decisions, looking for a better outcome for libraries, and invest officer time into developing proposals to keep libraries open.

library consultation youngPeter Baillie, a Conservative councillor for Bitterne Park, is to move a motion at the next full council meeting on Wednesday (March 18) – after a planned protest in the city centre over libraries – calling for all options put forward through the council's library consultation to be “thoroughly investigated” before decisions are made about the future of the city's libraries.

“I'm concerned that officers will decide at a high level whether ideas are viable or not; this could mean there is absolutely no investigation at all. It could mean sitting round a table crossing off ideas,” suggested Cllr Peter Baillie.

Libraries need proactive help from the administration

“If they say they're going to look at all ideas, they must be looked at thoroughly, so if someone's put in an idea in – for instance that there could be a shared use with the CCG [clinical commissioning group] or an NHS Department – then actually there needs to be an officer or cabinet member thoroughly investigating that as an idea.

"It needs proactive help from the administration. They need to be telling officers to really investigate,” he said.

• Cllr Baillie's motion to the council meeting reads:

“Council calls upon the Executive to ensure that all submitted suggestions and options regarding the now finished Library Consultation are fully, openly and thoroughly investigated, with special investigation and consideration given to the general positive physical & mental health improvements that a vibrant community centre such as Cobbett Road Library provides, taking particular advice from Southampton Public Health.”

• Protest to save city libraries - Wednesday March 18

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