Allotment & Gardens Association Annual Show

Sagashow 460pxSouthampton Allotment and Gardens Association (SAGA) holds its traditional, family-friendly annual show on Saturday, August 8 at Pear Tree Green Church Hall in Bitterne.


There are classes for vegetables, fruit, flowers, cookery, photography and crafts, and there's a special section for children, which includes an animal made from fruit and/or vegetables and planted footwear.

The show is open to both members and non-members of the association for a very modest entry fee. Judging takes place in the morning and the show is open to the public for viewing from 2pm.

There will be a selection of stalls including home-made jams, plants and books. Refreshments will be available. Cups and trophies will be presented at 3.30pm.

Further details are available from the Show Secretary, Sonia Blandford, on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 023 8032 8751. Alternatively, pick up a programme and entry form at one of the allotment trading sheds – see for locations.

Carol Masters

Sagashow 460px


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