Changes at Southampton's drop in centre for young people

No Limits High Street 460No Limits, Southampton's drop in centre for children and young people, is to close its Sholing and Shirley drop-in centres so it can open in the city centre six days a week. 


The following is from the charity in their own words:

Following feedback from children and young people, local charity No Limits are planning to open their city centre drop-in centre at 13 High Street from 10am-5pm six days a week. In order to do this, the drop-in centres in Shirley and Sholing will be closing in December 2015.

No Limits moved in to the High Street drop-in centre in August this year. The new centre provides excellent space and facilities including a training room, large well-equipped kitchen for ‘Cook and Eat’ groups, three counselling rooms, and shower and laundry facilities. The central location makes it accessible and easy to find.

Young people have told No Limits that:

  • they would like to be able to access drop-in services more often;

  • that they would like us to have the same opening times every day to minimise confusion

  • that they want to be able to access No Limits support in their school / college

  • that they would like to be able to access No Limits through the phone, website and email.

By closing the Shirley and Sholing drop-in centres, No Limits will be able to open the City drop-in centre 6 days a week from 10 - 5pm with additional evening opening times. The charity will also be able to extend the range of non-face-to-face ways that children, young people and families can access advice and support to include:

  • Email advice line

  • Online chat to provide advice and support via the No Limits website

  • Telephone

Chief Executive Annabel Hodgson says: "It is exciting to have the opportunity to open our High Street drop-in all day Monday to Saturday and expand the online support that we offer. We believe these changes make it easier for children and young people to get information, support and advice when they need it."

Children and young people will also be able to access advice and information through No Limits staff who now work in every secondary school and in Southampton’s three FE colleges. Group-work and counselling will continue to take place at our centre at 35 The Avenue, SO17 1XN.

Previously: No Limits: Helping young people help themselves




Twitter: @nolimitshelp

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