Fancy running a library?

The Conservatives say they’re pushing for a change in the law that could “protect community facilities” like Cobbett Road Library by giving residents the right to take them over. Locals saw off proposals to close the Library  in 2007, and then to slash opening hours in 2008.

“Over the past few years around 200 libraries have closed nationally. Under our proposals it would be far harder for councils up and down the country to close community buildings,” say Tory Bitterne Park councillor Phil Williams - who is up for re-election in May - and Itchen Conservative parliamentary candidate Royston Smith, in a joint letter to residents.

Itchen Labour MP and parliamentary candidate John Denham told “The Tories tried to shut the library once and they are trying it again. Cobbett Road Library is a gem because of all the volunteers who run so many activities. They can do this because they are supported by professionals. Take away this support and you risk overlooking community goodwill and the slow path to closure.”

For the Lib Dems, Itchen parliamentary candidate David Goodall said that local residents would have little way to put pressure on central government to retain or increase funding. “The current Southampton Council has not listened to the people to keep the Millbrook library open, in the same way the previous Lib Dem administration did to keep Cobbett Road Library open…"

“This is not more localism, but greater centralisation of public services,” he claimed.

  • For a list of other candidates standing in the Council and General Election on May 6, click here


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