Sainsbury's bus depot plan thrown out

A plan for a £30m Sainsbury's store on the site of the First Bus depot in Portswood has been thrown out. It follows a public inquiry into two sets of plans for a large supermarket and about 400 parking spaces on the site of the First Bus depot in Portswood Road.

The Secretary of State Hazel Blears agreed with a planning inspector's report that the layout of proposed affordable housing and the superstore car park made the development unacceptable.

The scale of the 7,000 sq metre store and the site was found to be acceptable, and there was a case in terms of customer choice for a store with a "complementary offer and different pricing structure to Waitrose (nearby)."

The Echo quoted a spokesperson for Sainsbury’s saying "We are disappointed but at the same time it was very promising and positive that the main principle of the scheme: to have a supermarket there, was supported by the inspector. The reason it was rejected was down to the design elements. We will work with the council to come back with a new application."

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