Local developer Wheatshield Homes has submitted a planning application to convert 13 Spring Crescent into a total of 8 flats. Map here 17 April is the deadline for comment. picture to follow
The application specifies the building of 2 x one bedroom flats and the building of a new three storey block of 6 flats (3 x one bedroom and 3 x two bedroom) at the back of the existing property.
The south end of Portswood is seeing substantial levels of development activity at the moment, with Orchard Homes/Wickes development already bringing 93 flats and 11 houses to the area. 140 dwellings are also proposed in Sainsbur'ys plans for the Portswood bus depot, including 22 town houses. Map showing location of sites.
Full details of all planning applcations can be found on the City Council's public access planing application system. Search on the application reference 08/00306/FUL in Portswood Ward for details of the Spring Crescent project. You can comment on the application online too.