Portswood to celebrate furry heroes

Artists impression of the planned statue

A sculpture celebrating the role of hamsters in the first world war is set to be erected in Portswood. More than £6,500 has been raised through public subscription to fund the sculpture which is being designed and created by local artist Flo Roipal and which will be displayed on the canopy of the Mecca Bingo.

“I was thrilled to be asked to take on this project” said Ms Roipal. “I specialise in working in non traditional materials, and hope that local people will like the sculpture once we can gather enough tea bags and paper clips to make the 10 metre high rodent we have planned”.

Ali Frigbat of the British Hamster Appreciation Society which is based in Portswood said: “So few people are aware of the vital role played by hamsters in covert operations during the war. It’s wonderful that these furry heros are finally getting the recognition they deserve.”

If you can contribute tea bags to the project (used only please) get in touch via the site. Pyramid bags are preferred, but square and round ones can also be incorporated.



Read more about artist Flo Roipal here
Lots more about hamsters here

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