Young views on hot topics

Anti-social behaviour and bullying are two hot topics Southampton's children and young people will be airing at two brainstorming sessions this fortnight.

Fifteen-year-old Bryony Kirkpatrick, the city's representative on the National Youth Board, will be hosting two consultation events at Connexions in Above Bar Street on January 14 and 21.

The main focus will be on behaviour in schools, with results being fed back into a UK-wide study commissioned by the board, which was set up by the Department for Education and Skills to ensure young people have a say in the issues affecting them the most.

Bryony was one of 25 young people aged between eight and 18 to be selected for the new think-tank last summer. She was put forward after becoming involved with Southampton City Youth Parliament, which draws its members from local secondary schools and youth clubs.

Young people are being invited to share their views on bullying, anti-social behaviour and improving behaviour in schools between 2pm and 4.30pm on both Saturday events.

For more information, contact the city's Children and Young People's Involvement Co-ordinator, Sarah Martin, on 07765 397752.

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