Try a new sport for free this weekend

paddling A huge range of free sport and exercise activities is on offer across the city this weekend, encouraging Southampton residents to become more active.



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People can try a wide range of taster activities, including bowling, swimming, yoga, gym sessions, diving, body pump, karate and kayaking - to name but a few.

Activities run at The Quays Swimming & Diving Complex, Bitterne Leisure Centre, Chamberlayne Leisure Centre, The Outdoor Sports Centre, Woodmill Outdoor Activities Centre and the Southampton Water Activities Centre.

The ‘Discovery Weekend’ celebrates the launch of a new partnership between Southampton City Council and charity Active Nation.

“As a charity we are incredibly passionate about campaigning, motivating and inspiring people across Southampton to join us in getting active. The discovery weekend is a great opportunity for new people to try sport and exercise...and on this occasion most of the activities are absolutely free!” said Mathew Smallwood, Marketing Manager for Active Nation.  

For more information on how to get involved in the free discovery weekend contact the centres direct or visit the Active Nation website.

Quays Swimming & Diving Complex - 023 8072 0900

Chamberlayne Leisure Centre — 023 8043 7668

Bitterne Leisure Centre — 023 8043 7647 

Outdoor Sports Centre — 023 8079 0693 

Southampton Water Activities Centre — 023 8091 5753 

Woodmill Outdoor Activities Centre — 023 8091 5746 

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