£49,999 revamp for Woodmill play area

woodmill_playgroundThe Friends of Riverside Park group has been awarded almost £50k for the redevelopment of the play area at Woodmill.

The equipment in the Woodmill play area - sometimes known as ‘the wooden playground’ - has been in place for many years, and much of it has now been removed due to old age and disrepair. The group says the redevelopment will integrate the remaining equipment into the new design wherever possible, as well as remaining true to the natural feel of the area by the predominant use of wooden materials.

Friends of Riverside Park was set up in November 2008, and this is its first major success in securing funding for park improvements. Finance comes from
the Groundwork UK and Big Lottery Fund’s Community Spaces Programme. The group says the award was made possible following a detailed public consultation with local residents, schools, police and others, whose views have been reflected in the final design.

Zip wire

The revamped area will include a raised discovery footpath (stepping stones/tree trunk steps etc) with willow tunnel, boardwalk and wildlife interpretation boards, wooden dinosaur sculpture, a zip wire, new swings, trampoline, boulder mounts, additional picnic tables and seating and will also provide wheelchair and pram access.

Work on the site is expected to commence in November 2010 and be completed in December 2010, with a launch event in January 2011.

Information about the consultation, and plans are on the Friends of Riverside Park’s website here (PowerPoint file), but these are currently being revised.

The main Friends of Riverside Park website is here

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