Lend a hand at Chessel Bay

chessel bay

Friends of Chessel Bay are gearing up for this Saturday’s autumn clean-up and litter pick at the local nature reserve on Southampton’s River Itchen.

Chessel Bay is a very special wild space in our city, and it’s important to keep the site clear of litter, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because it’s dangerous for wildlife. Huge amounts of discarded plastic and other debris accumulate along the shoreline and are removed twice-yearly by local volunteers, teaming up with the City Council.

The Bay is important for many wading birds including redshank, curlew and, often, little flocks of dunlin; during the winter months brent geese and godwits have also been spotted.

If you can help this Saturday October 16, turn up between 10am and 2pm at the end of Quayside Road and lend a hand — we’d love to see you. Do wear sturdy clothing (this is not an occasion for your diamond tiara!). Under 16’s need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. Note that parking is limited and there are no toilets on site.

For more information phone the Hawthorns Urban Wildlife Centre tel: 023 8067 1921 or look at the Chessel Bay website.

Rose Nicole

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