Bitterne Manor improvements could benefit cycle route

bikesThe council is asking what improvements should be made to the small local park at Bitterne Manor.


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Some cyclists have said they’d like to see park paths shared between bikes and pedestrians. This would apparently give cyclists living in Bitterne Manor an off-road/low traffic route from the city centre almost all the way to the Bullar Road gyratory.

Cyclists & walkers share a path at Riverside Park

At the moment cyclists from Bitterne Manor to the city centre have to exit onto Bitterne Road West, cross over to the other side, cycle for a hundred metres and then cross back over Bitterne Road West to join the Northam Bridge shared-use path onwards to city centre. Or use the public footpath!

Some residents, however, are reportedly not keen on cycling in the Bitterne Manor park.

The link to the Council’s consultation page about Bitterne Manor improvements is here, from where a PDF of proposals is downloadable.


  • In a separate move, cyclists are pressing for a continuous route along St Denys Road.


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