Witness appeal after jogger indecently assaulted

A woman was indecently assaulted while she was out running along a path next to Cemetery Road by Southampton Common on Sunday morning (Jan 19). {!jomcomment}

A man indecently assaulted the woman at around 8.30am, before she was able to run off and seek help from a passer-by.

Officers are seeking further witnesses from people who were in the Cemetery Road area at the time, particularly an older man who was out walking three dogs. He made a kind offer to walk the woman home after the assault.

The suspect was described as:

About 5 ft 10 ins tall

  • Average build
Aged in his mid 30s

  • Short brown hair

  • Stubble
He was wearing a baggy navy blue jumper with a white sports logo in the middle and navy blue trousers.

The police can be contacted by phoning 101, or if you wish to remain anonymous, phone the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.

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