Portswood loos could disappear

westridge road loosPortswood’s public loos could close under council cost-cutting proposals.

Southampton City Council is consulting on proposals to close the Westridge Road convenience to save cash and balance the books for its 2015/16 budget.

Visitors to the Portswood toilets will apparently “be signposted to alternative provision” – although it isn’t clear where yet.

The loos, which are in Westridge Road car park, are described as in need of urgent refurbishment, and: “ageing, outdated and subject to regular vandalism, resulting in high maintenance costs and unattractive facilities”.

Because the loos are off the high street “there is limited opportunity to deter undesirable behaviours,” and they are said to be “subject to ongoing anti-social and criminal behaviour and vandalism.”

Toilets in Woolston are also earmarked for closure, although a new vandal proof unit situated more centrally,  where a charge for use will be made, is on the cards to replace existing facilities there.

The measures could save £13,000 a year.

One in seven public toilets closed by council cuts
- Daily Telegraph

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