Highfield home of footballer Francis Benali burgled

Police report that the home of Francis Benali in Highfield was broken into sometime between 5.30pm and 8.30pm, Wednesday, December 3.

Jewellery, including four wrist watches, earrings, necklaces and rings, was among items stolen. Also taken were two Apple Macbooks belonging to Mr and Mrs Benali’s children that contained family photographs.

DC Mark Bradley said: “Mr Benali is well known in Southampton and among football supporters and I hope that if anyone comes into contact with the laptops in particular they will recognise his photographs and get in contact with us.”

Francis Benali said: “This has been a distressing intrusion of our family home especially for my wife and children.
“In particular we have lost extremely sentimental items that cannot be replaced including photographs on the laptops and jewellery. 

“Anyone who has any information regarding this burglary, please contact the police.”

The police can be contacted by phoning 101, or alternatively  call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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