Friends group starts work on cleaner, greener Bitterne Station

friends of bitterne station 560px1st session may 21 from FBThe newly-formed Friends of Bitterne Station volunteer group held their first “very productive” working meeting on Saturday (May 1).



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friends of bitterne station 560px1st session may 21 from FB

Around six people pitched in to start off a new flower bed at the station, which the group wants to help make "cleaner, greener and welcoming to wildlife".

“We hope to put in a home-made bug-hotel next, then a small forest garden,” Ziggy Woodward told

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“Our next working day is Sat 15th Sun 16 May* 11am-1pm, virus and weather dependent.

“Please get in touch if you would like to help, Many thanks to everyone who has chipped in with plant and seed donations, we're seeking more if anyone has spares, particularly wild-life attractant plants. Thanks!”

The group can be contacted via their Facebook page.

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* Date updated

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