Bookshop encourages community action to improve life in Portswood

Call for public toilets

westridge rd loosOctober Books has said there is an increase in the number of rough sleepers and ASB locally, and among other measures is calling for Portswood’s public toilets to be reopened.



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The co-operative that runs the bookshop says it has contacted other businesses trading near the alley at the back of its building “to request we get together to deal with some of the current problems with other anti-social behaviour”.

In a website post the shop raises a number of issues including the dumping of rubbish and human waste, and parking issues.

It also says it’s been working with homelessness charity The Society of St James, Southampton City Council and other traders and residents.

Public toilets in Westridge Road, Portswood were closed in 2014/15 as a cost-cutting measure. They were described at the time as being in urgent need of refurbishment, and were said to be subject to anti-social behaviour and vandalism.

The bookshop's full post is here.

alley by october books aug 21 20210806 1254011 600 px

Alley by October Books photographed in early August 2021

portswood public toilets westridge road aug 21 600px 20210806 1251301

Closed public toilets in Westridge Road, Portswood, photographed in early August 2021

october books from side

Updated 9/8/21 with further images

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