TriFest: Dog show details announced

dog 838281 640 pixabayDetails of the dog show taking place at TriFest, Riverside Park on Saturday (August 14) have been published.


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This from the organisers in their own words

 Trifest Fun Dog Show Schedule.
The Second Chance Animal Rescue
Sat 14th August 2021


Judging starts at 2pm and ends at 4pm.

Entries £2 per class, payment on entry to each class, no registration needed.

Judges: Ms Anne Wilson and Mrs Mary Bartholomew.

1 Best Puppy 6-12months of age
2 Best Veteran 8 years and over
3 Best Rescue Dog from a Rescue Society
4. Most Handsome Dog
5. Prettiest Bitch
6. Best Six Legs
7. Dog the Judge would like to take home.



No puppies under the age of 6mths to be entered into the Dog Show
No bitches in season within the precincts of the Show
The Officials take no responsibility for loss or damage to persons, pets or property
Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times
Please pick up after your dog



Image by LUM3N from Pixabay

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