Plan for pizza from hotel garden shipping container

whitworth planning sign zoomed2021 08 14 094437Plans have been submitted to use a converted shipping container for a pizza kitchen and takeaway service in the garden at the Bitterne Park Hotel, with access from Whitworth Crescent.



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Planning documents, which refer to ‘Melt Pizza’, say it’s for a “converted shipping container with (sic) the garden of The Bitterne Park Hotel to serve as a pizza kitchen and takeaway with associated signage”.

A planning application for the signage would apparently follow.

The structure is described as metal with a “black paint finish” and a flat roof.

It’s proposed there would be four employees, and it would operate from 10am – 10pm Monday to Friday, 9am – 11pm on Saturdays, and 10am – 9pm on Sundays and bank holidays.

More details are on the council’s planning portal.

Comment can be made until September 3.

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