Youth charity joins scheme to help homeless young people open bank accounts

nolimits blue green strapHampshire youth charity No Limits reports it’s joined HSBC’s ‘No Fixed Address’ programme to enable young people without a fixed home address to open a bank account.


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The charity says the scheme “empowers homeless and sofa surfing people to manage their money from work or benefits in a safe and secure way, equipping them with budgeting skills for the future”.

Young people accessing the programme can also receive practical support from No Limits with housing, budgeting, employment, education and training opportunities, for all-round support.

No Limits’ service manager Maria Slevin said: “We’re really pleased to be recognised as a partner in HSBC’s No Fixed Address programme.

“Not having a fixed address is a real barrier for young people and it can exacerbate the already vulnerable position they’re in. HSBC’s scheme is a lifeline for those who are homeless or sofa surfing. By opening a bank account, young people can break free from the vicious cycle of unemployment and build a brighter future.”

Young people experiencing housing or homelessness difficulties in Southampton can access the No Fixed Address programme by making an appointment with No Limits by phoning 02380 224 224 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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