Bitterne Parkers on the jumble trail

browsing jumble stall 600px 20210912 150800There were over 40 jumble stalls around the area, including at Bitterne Station – all part of a Bitterne Park ‘Jumble Trail’ on Sunday (Sept 12). 'Read more' for pics of just a few in our picture gallery, and listen to organiser Sharon Nineham explain how the idea came about.


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Sharon, pictured below, said she’d had over 50 people visiting her stall, including those browsing before the 2pm start time.

“We’re hoping to do it again before Christmas … I think lots of people want to do it before Christmas to have a clear out and to get some stuff in for Christmas. It’s better to buy secondhand nowadays with lots of children’s toys, rather than ending up in landfill.”

She added that she thought the event could become much better in the future and welcomed input on organsiation.

You can make contact via the trail's Facebook page.

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