Call for safe crossing in front of Moorlands Primary School

moorlands school sign and road 20210919 171313A petition has called for Southampton City Council to put in a “safe crossing” in front of Moorlands Primary School in Townhill Park because children are “forced to run the gauntlet every day” due to traffic.




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The petition on says that while the council installed a crossing further up the road, “it’s too far away to be of any use to the school”.

Various comments on the petition page echo the view that Townhill Way, near its junction with Meggeson Avenue, is dangerous for children to cross to get to their school, which serves 4 - 11-year-olds.

“Moorlands Primary School has been requesting a safe crossing for a while now but recently received notice from the council that their request had been refused,” adds the petition, which was started three months ago and includes a video of nearby traffic.

Neither Southampton City Council nor Moorlands Primary School have responded to our requests for clarification and comment.

However Cllr Valerie Laurent (Con, Harefield ward), who confirmed she’s met residents about the issue, told “It is correct as far as I know, the suggestion was previously refused after investigation. However since May we have a new administration in the Council. Whilst I have raised the proposal again on behalf of my residents, as requested by them, I cannot say at this stage what the outcome may be.”

She added that while she personally supported it, there were a number of “practical factors to be taken into consideration”.

“I will always do my utmost to help our residents whatever is needed, hopefully we may succeed in this but far too early to say.”

The petition also says that a lollipop lady who retired last year has yet to be replaced, although we couldn’t immediately confirm if this is still the case.

moorlands school gates 20210919 171332

moorlands school sign and road 20210919 171313

Update 20/9/21: Corrected as petition wasn't undated as the article originally stated but was started "three months ago" according to

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