£41m Itchen flood defences given go-ahead

By Maria Zaccaro, Local Democracy Reporter

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A £41m scheme to protect hundreds of Southampton homes and businesses from flooding has been given the go-ahead.
Photo: Google Maps

A number of measures are going to be implemented across the west bank of the River Itchen over the coming years as part of a flood alleviation plan.

The project – which will also see the replacement of the quay wall at Drivers Wharf in Northam and the delivery of frontline defence at the site – has been approved by city councillors.

The move comes as we reported on November 10 that 153 homes and 288 businesses on the west bank of the River Itchen are at risk of flooding.

Parts of the A3024 Northam Road, as well as sections of the railway and several sites such as electrical substations and pumping stations, are also in danger – according to an official report.

Experts warned that by 2120, the flood risk would increase to 1,167 homes and 1,033 businesses, with potential flood depths of up to 1.8m.

Measures to alleviate the danger along the 3.6km stretch from Mount Pleasant Industrial Estate to the Southampton Water Activities Centre are set to be implemented by 2027.

The area has a history of flooding events, according to an official report published by Southampton City Council.

But it is believed that “many more incidents” of flooding have historically been experienced but not recorded “due to the predominately private ownership in the area”, the report states.

Presenting the so-called River Itchen Flood Alleviation Scheme (RIFAS) to full council, cabinet member for environment Cllr Steve Galton (Con) said: “This is going to be a very important step to ensure our city grows. We put our money where our mouth is.”

Cllr Sarah Bogle said Labour welcomed the investment.

Councillors agreed to invest £10m in the scheme while the remaining £32m is expected to be funded by the Environment Agency.

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Photo: Google Maps

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