Two flood alerts, meaning “flooding is possible”, are in place around Southampton for Tuesday (Dec 7), for Mansbridge and Riverside Park, and Southampton Water and Hamble.
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For Mansbridge and Riverside Park the government’s ‘Check for flooding’ service says Tuesday’s (Dec 7) tide at 12:41and 14:34 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather.
It continues: “The tide is highest at the time of second high water. For 1 hour either side of high tide, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 01:18 on 08/12/2021‚ the tide may be slightly higher in magnitude. We will issue further advice. ”
The flood alert for Southampton Water and Hamble for Tuesday is here.