Local group offers activities to help ‘combat isolation and pandemic burnout’

touch network logoA local group is offering a programme of free community events this month to boost wellbeing and help “combat isolation and pandemic burnout”.


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Touch Network is a not-for-profit social enterprise that “celebrates real life stories of everyday people who are overcoming things in their life”.

It normally runs live story-sharing evenings in local venues, but says it’s now responding to Omicron with online and outdoor gatherings to connect people in a Covid-safe way.

Activities range from group walks to virtual craft sessions, a book club, meditation, singing and more.

“January can be a bit bleak, and in 2022 we all have extra worries,” said Touch founder Debs Carter.

“It’s such a strange time with Covid rules not being completely clear, and I've been wondering how to look after myself. Then I realised that lots of other people must be feeling the same way!”

“After two years of restrictions we all need something to look forward to. We’d love people to just have fun with us, if that’s what they need, and beyond that maybe make new friendships. Touch Network is a community where anyone can belong, share their stories, and get support. We all need that, now more than ever!”

More information about the group and its #StayInTouch programme can be found at https://touch.network/january-2022-events/ with more info about Touch generally from https://touch.network/

touch network pre covid eventPre-Covid Touch Network community event

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