Consultations to take place on proposed 20mph schemes

20 zone generic 600px signBitterne Park, Townhill Park, Highfield and the south of St Denys are among the areas to be consulted over the next two years regarding the introduction of 20mph speed limits.


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The council reports that requests demonstrating community support were received for 47 Southampton streets or areas in total after it recently invited community proposals to reduce speeds.

These have been consolidated into 14 wider 20mph areas which will be individually consulted over the next two years.

The first of these formal consultations – for Bassett East and the Flowers Estate – will open on Friday, March 18, 2022 and will ask for residents’ feedback on reduced speed limits and other additional traffic calming measures.

4 queue manor farm road 1000px 20210511 165208Manor Farm Road

As reported, there were a number of requests for 20 zones in Bitterne Park, including around Whitworth Crescent, on Genfield Avenue, Manor Farm Road, Oaktree Road, St Catherines Road and Dimond Road.

There was also a bid for 20mph limits on multiple Highfield roads.

It’s estimated Bitterne Park and Harefield wards will be consulted over proposals this summer, while Portswood and Highfield North, including St Denys South, will be consulted this autumn, and Portswood and Highfield South in summer 2023.

Townhill Park’s consultation should take place in autumn 2023.

The council said once finalised, "changes will be implemented using £1m of committed funding as part of plans to improve the city’s highways for all users". It added that some of the intended 20mph speed limits will be delivered as part of other wider schemes, already being funded separately by the council’s Transforming Cities Fund and / or Active Travel Fund programmes.

“Requests for further areas will be opened up again later this year”, said the authority.

There's more information on the scheme and a link to estimated consultation dates on the council's site.

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