Youth charity receives support from digital agency

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Southampton youth charity No Limits has received £540 through fundraising, and £650 of ‘in-kind’ support from a local marketing agency Mitchell and Stones.



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The agency, which supported No Limits as their charity of the year in 2021, took on an ‘Active January Challenge’ by walking running, swimming and cycling a collective 300km throughout January.

Mitchell and Stones also designed and sponsored No Limits’ digital adverts for their Christmas campaign to help the charity reach young people who were suffering during the colder winter months.

Lizi Fewtrell, fundraising officer at No Limits, said the charity had seen a real decline in corporate and community fundraising over the last two years because of the pandemic.

“It’s with thanks to the support of companies like Mitchell and Stones that we’re able to continue to support children and young people in their time of need, helping them to grow in confidence and build brighter futures,” she said.

No Limits offers support to children and young people under the age of 26 who live in Southampton and Hampshire. Services include: an Advice Centre in central Southampton; counselling to young people county-wide; advice on housing, benefits and debt; DASH alcohol and drugs service; sexual health and relationships services; homelessness services; employment-seeking support; support for young parents; washing facilities; access to food in a crisis; family support.

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