Demolition on the cards for old Bitterne police station

bitterne police station boarded up 23 6 21 600px P1020235The police station in Bitterne is to be demolished “to remove the risks the empty building poses to the public”, it’s been reported.


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The news, reported in the Daily Echo, comes following the opening of a new police station on West End Road, which was unveiled last month which is where response and patrol teams will be based "helping to improve response times for 999 calls".

The new site has parking for police vehicles and "has a high street presence", according to the crime commissioner Donna Jones.

While Jones reportedly did look at reopening the old site, it would have apparently cost more than £430,000 to make it operational.

However it’s now suggested that the site “is currently identified for retention and development to support the future [police] estate strategy for Hampshire”.

Work on “this project” is however reported to be at a “very early stage”.

bitterne police station whites road google map 600px Photo: Google Maps

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