By Jamie Shapiro, Local Democracy Reporter
Campaigners have lobbied a city council meeting to get St Mary’s Leisure Centre open again as soon as possible.
Photo: Google Maps
Bearing banners, the group waited on the steps of the civic centre to make their point before the cabinet meeting today (June 14).
Under the Conservative administration last year, St Mary’s was closed and despite a protest, was not reopened.
The campaigners had hoped that the new Labour administration would finally reopen the centre, and at first were not pleased to see that it was not included on today’s Cabinet agenda – despite a previous pledge that the reopening is high on the Labour administration’s list of priorities.
Leader of the council, Cllr Satvir Kaur, allowed them to present their statements to the cabinet even though it was not part of the meeting.
A spokesperson from the campaign said: “Six weeks’ holiday will be here and there is nowhere for young people to go. We are getting worried about what they are going to do. There are a lot of people in the area. Where are they going to go?”
Cllr Kaur replied by saying: “I want to give my assurance that St Mary’s will be reopening. It isn’t as simple as just opening the doors as all of the staff will have now moved on, but plans are in place to open it as soon as possible.”
The leader of the council went on to say: “I grew up in that area and I know how busy it can get in the summer holidays.”
Exact dates of planning and reopening of the leisure centre will be announced in Cabinet in due course.
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