Council leader pleased Johnson has finally resigned

By Jamie Shapiro, Local Democracy Reporter

civic centre

The leader of Southampton City Council Satvir Kaur has commented on prime minister Boris Johnson’s resignation, saying she is “pleased it’s finally happened”.

But the Labour politician, right, who has been shortlisted for selection to become the party’s candidate for Southampton Test at the next general election, went on to express her belief that more needs to be done.

“Everyone who supported him through all the lies and chaos can go too,” she said.

“Our communities deserve so much better. We don’t need to change the Tory at the top – we need a proper change of government.”

Marley Guthrie SCC

Meanwhile the city’s opposition Conservative group leader Cllr Marley Guthrie, left, said: “After securing an historic majority in 2019, the Prime Minister has a record he can be proud of; he got Brexit done, led us through the pandemic and has gone to great lengths to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion.”

He added: “It became clear he no longer had majority support in the parliamentary party. Whilst this has likely been difficult for him, the Prime Minister’s decision to stand down is an appropriate choice and will ensure his successor can continue to build on the government’s good work in addressing the things that matter to the British people.”

Photos of councillors: Southampton City Council

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