Changes mooted for ‘informal car park’ at Woodmill

informal car park woodmill google mapsPlans are being proposed to make changes to the “informal car park” by the river at Woodmill.

Photo: Google maps


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We understand there are council moves to “improve the amenity value” of the area currently taken up with an “unofficial, make-shift car park”.

It’s suggested the park is already well served for car parks, and access to the informal car park is described as “not safe”.

The idea is apparently to “create or extend the soil mounding and to create a level plateau walkway with new seats looking down the river, over the bay, with additional trees, so the soft landscape of the park envelopes the majority of the hardcore car park, improving the amenity value”.

Funding would come from Section 106 developers’ contributions.

Local councillors and the Friends of Riverside Park have been asked for views, and Cllr David Fuller is currently asking for feedback on his Facebook page – although he says he’s asked if there will be opportunity for the public to comment.

So far there have been various issues raised, including river access, access to vehicles including fair vehicles, turning room for lorry deliveries to the SUP shop, and concerns over a reduction in parking spaces.

Cllr Fuller’s Facebook thread is here, or you can email views to Bitterne Park ward councillors via this page,  and email addresses are also on Southampton City Council’s site.

informal car park woodmill google maps Photo: Google maps

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