Council committee to agree scope of river inquiry

river sun 30 10 17 600pxUpdated: The ‘terms of reference’ for a scrutiny inquiry focusing on “protecting, preserving and promoting the River Itchen in Southampton” will be presented for agreement to a city council committee on Thursday (Sept 8).


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As we previously reported, the topic was selected from a list of four possibles put forward for a more detailed examination by the city.

The draft terms of reference [pdf from SCC website] , to be discussed by the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, acknowledge that: “The river is subject to use by numerous, and, at times competing interests that can create pressure on the natural environment and tensions between user groups. In addition, ownership and oversight of the river is complex and the responsibility of a number of different organisations.”

It suggests that the authority will “Seek the views of residents and stakeholders” as part of its inquiry, and a resident’s survey is mentioned.

Seven meetings are proposed between October 2022 and April 2023.

The first, on October 6 will, says the draft, offer an introduction and context.

The second, on November 17 will focus on the “condition of the river and plans for improvement”, taking on board water quality, habitat and biodiversity, hazards/wrecks and Chessil Bay as a case study.

Further sessions will look at the economic importance of the river, flood risk management, recreation and community use, reviewing best practice and consideration of the final report.

Cllr Lisa Mitchell (Labour, Portswood ward) previously told “We are hoping as has happened in past Scrutiny Inquiries that this will shed light on the issues surrounding the Itchen River and also offer up new solutions that we can take as a council to tackle them.”

The scrutiny meeting to discuss the terms of reference takes place from 5.30pm in the council chamber at the Civic Centre. The agenda and further paperwork is available here. It's a public meeting .

Updated 5/9/22 to include that it's a public meeting and to give the stream URL

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