Chance to give feedback on Portswood transport plans

portswood streetscene 600px 20170720 115934Updated: Southampton City Council is offering the opportunity for people to give feedback on its Portswood district centre improvement plans at an event in October, and via an online survey.


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Sessions will be held at October Books, 189 Portswood Road SO17 2NF on Tuesday, October 4.

Plans include “a focus on Portswood Road with a significant bus upgrade, improved cycling, walking and e-scooting opportunities as a sustainable transport corridor to create a greener, more inviting environment for everyone living, working, studying and spending time in Portswood”, according to the event’s Eventbrite page, through which free booking for half-hour slots is required.

A council survey on the plans runs until the end of Sunday, October 23 and can be accessed via this link.

This piece was updated with the later published link to the council survey

portswood streetscene 600px 20170720 115934

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