Proposal for 15-metre 5G monopole off Meggeson Avenue

meggeson ave pinefield rd google 600px Plans have been submitted to the council to put in telecoms equipment, including a 15-metre high monopole, at Pinefield Road, adjacent to Meggeson Avenue. Image: Google


The planning application, by CK Hutchinson Networks (UK) Ltd, includes the siting of cabinets for additional equipment.

No online comments have been made on the application at the time of writing.

Meanwhile also in Townhill Park at Kingsdown Way, objectors to a previous, still undecided, application say a proposed 18-metre telecoms mast on a grass verge would be close to a play area, metres from nearby homes and could interfere with a council owned tree.

One objector said on the council’s planning portal: “I am of the opinion that there are other more suitable locations for this mast to be put, for instance, Frogs Copse, Middleton Close or next to Moorlands Community Centre.”

From the council, consultee ‘Trees and Open Spaces’ said: “Given that there are alternative locations and the potential for harm this location will have to the neighbouring tree, I object to the proposal on the grounds or harm to the neighbouring tree.”

The applicant’s representative said on planning documents: “The ... application is identified as the most suitable option that balances operational need with local planning policies and national planning policy guidance. It will deliver public benefit in terms of the mobile services it will provide.”

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