Council wins ‘levelling up’ funds to develop sports centre

outdoor sports centre image google 600pxSouthampton City Council has won one of its levelling up bids for funds to develop Southampton Outdoor Sports Centre.
Image: Google


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The council is to receive £20m for improvements “to expand inclusive access to sport and opportunities to be active” at the Thornhill Road centre.

Other ‘Heart of the City’ and ‘Riverside Protection’ Southampton bids were unsuccessful, and the council says it will now be “reviewing options” for them, including finding alternative funding sources.

While welcoming the bid success for the sports centre, cabinet member for economic development Cllr Sarah Bogle (Lab) described the funding process as “a lottery” on Twitter, adding: “local gov deserves proper funding and proper devolution”.

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What is levelling up and who is it helping? - BBC Reality Check

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