Drama group to lead World Book Day activities at Cobbett library

Library Friends' first event since 2019

Cobbett Road Library from across road with banner summer 22 600pxThe Friends of Cobbett Road Library are hosting a free event to celebrate World Book Day, featuring workshops and games for children led by a local drama group.


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World Book Day is a global celebration of books and reading, designed to encourage young people to explore the joy of literature.

Following World Book Day celebrations in schools, the Cobbett Road library’s event to mark the occasion is on Saturday, March 4.

Although the library remains closed, the volunteer friends group has been given permission to use the space for the celebration.

It's their first event since 2019.

From 2:30 to 4:30pm children are invited to take part in activities led by the Light UP drama group, while refreshments will be provided for all.

The Friends are also running a prize children’s book cover drawing competition: details and entry form here.

The event is free, but ticketed, with tickets available on Eventbrite. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

In December 2022 Southampton City Council said it was still talking to two potential partners to run the library, which has been closed since 2021. It had originally been expected to name its preferred partner by December, but cabinet member Cllr Toqeer Kataria (Lab) said at the time there would be no further announcements about the council’s process until it had been concluded.



Cobbett Road Library from across road with banner summer 22 600px

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