Bitterne event on food insecurity

bitterne precinct 23 6 21 general shot 600px P1020218Organisers hope to “raise awareness about food insecurity in the city and hold the government accountable for the cost of living crisis” at an event in Bitterne Precinct on Saturday (April 15).


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Southampton People’s Assembly say: “We must hold this Government accountable!!

“We aim to bring to light the impact of the cost of living crisis on people in our city. As 40% of families are unable to meet their monthly outgoings. 15,316 children under the age of 16 live below the bread line in our city and 3,900,000 nationally.”

There will be speakers including Cllr Professor Barrie Margetts, a former Labour councillor who currently sits as an independent.

“Invites have been sent out to Southampton councillors and local politicians. We hope they will attend this very important event,” says the press release.

The event is from 11am - 1pm

bitterne precinct 23 6 21 general shot 600px P1020218

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