Call to reopen shortcut to Medical Centre

closed footpath from cobden ave to medical ctre 600px Updated: A local whose family has used the now closed shortcut between the Thorold Road Medical Centre and Cobden Avenue for decades is hoping to get it reopened.


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While it was an easy route to and from the medical centre from the Cobden Avenue and Bullar Road direction, for others it became a general shortcut.

But the path has now been closed – it’s thought since early January.

David Spencer said his family had used it since the 80s, initially to get to Bullar Road so his children could catch a school bus.

“We moved to ... Thorold Road in December 1985. From January 1986 we had three children attending Springhill Middle School,” he said. “My wife took them down Bullar Road to catch the no.5 special school bus to get there; and collected them from the bus stop in the gyratory when they came home.

“She loaded their school bags on the pram, and walked those children through what is now the medical centre, taking that short cut.

“There are still residents of Bullar Road who may remember seeing that unusual sight of Mum plus pram plus three or four children!”

Now David wants to get signatures and evidence of historical use from others who would like to see the route re-established, and even ultimately designated a public right of way – although he said that can be a long process.

He can be This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Bitterne Park councillor David Fuller (Con) told he's been in correspondence with the council's solicitor over the issue.

"I believe it should be considered a right of way given the amount of time its been used and other historical information," he said.

Updated 17/4/23 to add that evidence as well as signatures is being sought by David Spencer, and to include information and quote from Cllr Fuller. Further updated 20/4/23 to include below tweet from Steve Smith



closed footpath from cobden ave to medical ctre 600px Path shut off with a fence panel

closed footpath from cobden ave to medical ctre 600px The path, closed off by a continuation of fence panels, photographed in January

closed footpath shown when open cobden ave to medical ctre image google 600px A Google image of the shortcut when it was still open

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