Youth charity partners with ‘influencer’

Ellisha Jade White with youth worker no limits supplied 600pxSouthampton-based youth charity No Limits has appointed Ellisha-Jade White as its first ambassador.




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White is a 28-year-old entrepreneur, social media influencer, and business founder.

Her online platforms offer fashion and lifestyle tips and cover topics like bullying and eating disorders, said No Limits.

The charity’s CEO Natalie Webb said White's experiences and success in setting up her own businesses will inspire young people.

As ambassador, White will work with No Limits to increase their online reach and create engaging content for young people, including self-help tips, fundraising, and signposting to further support.

She can be followed on Instagram where she's @thesouthamptongirl, and on TikTok where she's @byellishajade.

Ellisha Jade White with youth worker no limits supplied 600px Ellisha-Jade White, left, with a No Limits youth worker

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