Pizza kitchen lands off Whitworth Crescent

pizza kitchen 26 7 23 CU P1040597 A structure, thought to be for a pizza kitchen and takeaway, has arrived in the Bitterne Park Hotel garden.



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The container-like structure is currently yellow, and can be seen from Whitworth Crescent.

pizza kitchen 26 7 23 CU P1040597

As reported, council planners gave the conditional go-ahead to approve “a shipping container to accommodate hot food takeaway with associated stepped access from Whitworth Crescent” at a meeting on December 14, 2021.

pizza kitchen 26 7 23 wide P1040597

As we noted at the time, some residents had raised objections particularly regarding parking, the container's appearance, its site, and other perceived issues.

But proponents said at the time it would bring  "a very unique pizza concept” to Bitterne Park, be as eco friendly as possible, and strive to use locally sourced products.

Conditions imposed on the application included restricting hours, reviewing external lighting, forbidding amplified music, and restricting goods sold to pizzas “and associated goods”.

The Btterne Park Hotel was contacted  for comment

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