‘Neglected’ Ash Tree Road property matter of ‘community pride’

ash tree road property phil webb from FB 600px CUA local councillor has said “strides” are being made to improve the situation of a “neglected property” on the corner of Ash Tree and Wellington roads


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Cllr Phil Webb (Labour, Bitterne Park) said he’d “received updates” on the issue.

ash tree road property phil webb from FB 600px CU

He said the property’s appearance may not “meet the criteria for direct action”, and that it’s been confirmed the property is structurally secure with no public health concerns.

Writing on Facebook Cllr Webb said: “Although they [the council] cannot take enforcement action for aesthetic issues, they have directed us to the Planning Enforcement Department for further assistance under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

ash tree road property google 2019 The property in 2019. Pic: Google

“The Planning Enforcement Manager is initiating an enforcement case to contact the landowner. The proposed steps include tidying the site, painting over graffiti, and enhancing the hoardings to improve the site's appearance.”

He added that if there were concerns about the security fencing he could raise these with the council’s building control department, and that residents could contact him directly with further queries on the issue.

Phil Webb FB 200pxSpeaking to bitternepark.info, Webb, left, added that it is early days, and that the issue is one of community pride:

“When you live in the ward as each of your Labour councillors do, it’s some of the smaller things we notice and can flag up. The council officers were very swift in looking into my query and although it’s early days in the process, anything we can do boost our local area, even in appearance, I think helps build community pride.”

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