An application has been lodged to fell 15 trees subject to preservation orders at airport-owned Marlhill Copse.
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Trees listed on the planning application [ref 23/00281/TPO on Southampton City Council’s planning portal], validated on October 24, include Scots Pine, Monterey Pine – including one of the largest in the woodland, known as ‘tree 82’, Ash, Goat Willow and Silver Birch.
Reasons for proposed felling are given for each tree on planning paperwork, ranging from trees said to already be dead and in some cases overhanging private property, to another Monterey Pine displaying a 12 degree lean that is “likely subsiding”.
The 26 metre-tall Monterey pine [no: 82] apparently exhibits fungal growth, thought to be the cause of decay. A detailed tree report suggests it “could fail at about 4m from ground level”.
More detail is on the planning application and associated documents.