Special post boxes bring Santa's mail magic to local kids

letter to father christmas sandringham 2023Local children can again post letters to Santa using special post boxes positioned at various locations in Bitterne Park and St Denys – and may even get a reply.


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The post boxes, in many cases brightly decorated, are to be found in about seven locations around the area

The one we photographed is in Sandringham Road, and says it’s open until December 21.

And if children include their address and live in Bitterne Park or St Denys they could also receive a reply from the great bearded one himself.

It’s organised by ‘Bitterne park family fun’, the group also behind the Christmas in the Triangle event coming up on December 11, and which has also organised previous letter-to-Santa initiatives.

Post boxes are listed in Bitterne Park in Oaktree Road, St Catherine’s Road, Dimond Close and Sandringham Road, and in St Denys in Stanley Road, Priory Road and Adelaide Road.

Locations and more details are given on this Facebook event page 

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