Jupider: Tagged in two days

jupider graffiti 5 2 24Still closed following an attempted ram raid in early January, Jupider store on St Catherine’s Road has had new protective boarding installed – which has been graffitied within just two days.



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As reported, police confirmed that two men attempted to gain access to the shop after a van “collided a number of times with the shopfront” on January 5.

jupider work on new boardingi 3 2 24 Workers construct new boarding around the front of the shop on Saturday

Makeshift boarding was replaced on Saturday (Feb 3), presumably to further fortify the premises, but offering a large blank page for ‘street art’ into the bargain.

jupider graffiti 5 2 24  The new hoarding already graffitied

By Monday the fresh new woodwork had already been graffitied, joining the myriad public surfaces in the area, from telecoms cabinets to Bigbelly bins, already adorned with ‘street art’.

No date’s known for any possible reopening.

Jupider damage 5 1 24 The damage after the original incident

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