Panel to decide on airport’s latest Marlhill tree plans

marlhill copse river walk entrance tight crop

Council officers recommend rejecting Southampton airport's application to work on 25 protected trees at Marlhill Copse at the forthcoming planning panel on Tuesday (Feb 20).




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As previously reported, proposals, under one of two applications being heard, include work to various species of tree in the airport-owned woodland to the south of the runway, part of which is a “nationally registered garden”, including Sycamore, Beech, Scots Pine and Oak.

It’s proposed to reduce trees by various amounts including one Oak by over 13 metres, another by 12, and one Douglas Fir by over 10 metres.

Ten public comments have been received, nine of which object to the plans.

The supporter said it was “A well balanced approach to ensure aviation safety whilst maintaining the natural beauty of the copse.”

One of the objectors however said: “I object strongly to this application because of its threat to the character of the woodland, to the amenity value it gives to both humans and wildlife, and because of the danger of such extreme crown reduction to the viability of the trees.”

Another said: “The works will cause harm to the individual trees - some of the proposed 'crown reductions' are so great as to threaten their viability.”

The report to the planning panel says that while the reason given for the work relates to the Civil Aviation Act, which gives the secretary of state powers to make direct orders directing the restriction of the height of trees, such an order hasn’t been received.

This meant the application had to proceed via the usual planning process.

The panel will also hear a second application to fell 15 trees with tree preservation orders at Marhill Copse. Officers are recommending to refuse the felling of one Monterey Pine, which is part of the “special character of the woodland”, but to approve the others for various reasons outlined in detail in their report.

It's all for Southampton City Council's Planning and Rights of Way Panel to adjudicate when it convenes on February 20 at 5pm. The live stream link will be from this council page when available.

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