Public transport and active travel the way forward — Citizens' Climate Assembly

citizens assembly scc 600An assembly of Southampton citizens, convened to recommend how the council should tackle climate and transport, has said it would like a future where people use public transport and active travel as their main ways to get around.


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After hearing from experts and listening to others’ experiences of transport in the city, the assembly members shared recommendations on the future of our transport system, which they highlighted in the launch event held at the Art Gallery on Thursday afternoon (March 7).

The Southampton Citizens’ Climate Assembly consisted of 37 residents “who broadly reflected the city in terms of both demographics and attitudes”, according to their final report, with 93 others contributing via civil society events and an online platform.

The final question put to the group was: “How do we ensure an accessible, affordable and connected transport system in the city, whilst reducing carbon emissions and meeting climate targets?”.

The assembly has now produced a vision statement, recommendations on priority actions and ideas on funding which will inform Southampton City Council’s (SCC) next Local Transport Plan.

citizens assembly scc 600

The assembly said it would like to see a future where the council provides, or works with others to provide, much better public transport and active travel.

It also envisioned fewer cars on the road, with a focus on electric vehicles supported by council-provided charging infrastructure.

SCC leader Cllr Lorna Fielker (Lab) said: "Our Citizens’ Climate Assembly has provided us with a unique opportunity to address contentious topics, such as transport emissions, and work towards a more sustainable future for Southampton, we are so grateful to our residents for coming together to create this.” 

Deputy cabinet member for green city and net zero Cllr John Savage (Lab), added "The power to shape policies lies within all of our grasp, particularly in the domain of personal transport. The recommendations put forward by the Climate Assembly will inform our objectives to address transport-related emissions and create a safe and accessible transport system for a greener and more sustainable Southampton."  

You can read the assembly’s recommendations in more depth in their final report, available to download here.

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