Mousehole Lane: Construction scheduled for pedestrian crossing


mousehole lane notice about crossing 18 12 23 600pxWork is due to start next month on the installation of a new pedestrian crossing on Mousehole Lane, near Glenfield Infant, Beechwood Junior and other schools.


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As previously noted, the demand for a safer route to nearby schools has long been recognised, prompting the council to conduct a 'perception survey' in May 2023 after securing government funding.

Bitterne Park ward councillor Tony Bunday previously wrote on his Facebook page: “I have been campaigning for a safe crossing to be installed on Mousehole Lane. Children going to and from about 7 schools have to cross this road here. If you live locally you can help to shape and achieve this.”

Now work, funded by the government’s Active Travel Fund, is programmed to start from Monday, April 22 and expected to take around four weeks.

It will include a signalised push-button pedestrian crossing, high friction surfacing, and the widening of the footway on the north side of the crossing “to increase visibility for all road users”, according to Southampton City Council contractor Balfour Beatty.

The work is expected to involve 24/7 temporary lights for around three weeks from April 22, and overnight closures of Mousehole Lane and the north side of Glendfield Avenue between May 13 and 17 to install the high friction surfacing.

The council's page about the project is here.

mousehole lane notice about crossing 18 12 23 600px

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